Friday, April 3, 2020

डर का भगवान

हाल ही में एक यात्रा पर मेरी मुलाकात दिलिप से हुई जिसका लालन पालन भारत में हुआ था लेकिन वह बहुत वर्षों से पश्चिम में रह रहा था। वह यहां भारत अपने किसि निजी काम से आया था। वह खुले रूप से कुछ काफी समय से मन में चल रहे सवालों से जूझ रहा था जो उसके उन विश्वासों से जुड़े थे जब वह बड़ा हो रहा था। उसने यह बताया कि उसके क्षेत्र के हिन्दू इस बात से डरते थे कि अगर उन्होने नियमित रूप से और ठीक प्रकार से अपने गाँव के देवताओं को संतुष्ट नहीं किया , तो देवता और देवियाँ परेशान हो जाएंगे और इसके कारण उनके जीवन में नकारात्मक घटनाएँ घटेंगी। इसलिए , उन्हे व्यस्त रखा जाता था उन बहुल देवताओं का तुष्टीकरण करने में , जिनकी पीढ़ियों से पूजा की जा रही थी। इस प्रकार की पूजा के पीछे जो आधार है वो डर है, विशेष तौर से अगर हम अपने अनुष्ठान संबंधी दायित्वों में चूक करेंगे , हमें दंडित होना पड़ेगा या फिर हम किसी तरह से पीड़ा पाएंगे.

मेंने दिलिप को आश्वासन दिया की हिंदूइज़्म के महान भगवान क्रोध, पीड़ा पहुंचाना, न्याय , प्रतिशोध या संकीर्णता की चेतना में नहीं रहते।वे प्रेम एवं प्रकाश के प्राणी हैं , हम पर अपना आशीर्वाद बरसाते हैं , बावजूद इसके कि हम असफल हों, कमजोर हों या हम में और कमियाँ हों। इस विश्वास की मूल भूत भावना को रखते हुए , हिंदूइज़्म एक आनंद पर आधारित धर्म है , जिसमे किसी को भगवान से कभी भी डरने की आवश्यकता नहीं है , इस बात के लिए कभी परेशान होने की आवश्यकता नहीं है कि अगर हम पूजा नहीं करेंगे तो भगवान आहत हो जाएंगे या हमें किसी तरह की सजा देंगे। पूजा उच्चतम मायनों में प्रेम का बाहर निकल कर बहना है। भगवान प्रेम हैं और कुछ और नहीं परंतु प्रेम हैं.
दिलिप नें मुझे अपने गाँव के विश्वास के बारे में और अधिक बताया। जब नकारात्मक घटनाएँ घटती हैं, जैसे कि बच्चे कि मौत , बाढ़ या अचानक बीमारी, बड़े लोग जरूरी अनुष्ठानों में हुई कमियों को ढूंढते हैं , यह मानते हुए कि देवता उनसे हुई पूजा के किसी पहलू की कमी के लिए दंडित कर रहे हैं। उसने आशा की कि भगवानों कि प्रकृति कि बेहतर समझ से ऐसे अंधविश्वासों पर काबू करने में मदद मिलेगी।

एक चिंताजनक स्थिति स्वयं के द्वारा पैदा किया गया दुर्भाग्य है और भगवान द्वारा दिया गया दंड नहीं है। जीवन स्वयं, जो द्वंद के दायरे में घट रहा है, प्राकृतिक शक्तियों के खेल का एक मैदान है , एक कक्षा है शरीर को धारण किए हुए आत्माओं की जो आनंद और दुख का , उत्साह और अवसाद , सफलता और विफलता, स्वास्थ्य और बीमारी , अच्छे और बुरे समय का अनुभव करते हैं.वे आध्यात्मिक प्राणी जो चेतना के गहरे स्तरों में रहते हैं , शरीर में रहने वाली आत्माओं को संसार की यात्रा के दौरान सहायता देनें के लिए सदेव उपलब्ध रहते हैं। पुजा अनुष्ठान उन्हें संतुष्ट करने या उनके गुस्से को शांत करने हेतु नहीं किए जाते बल्कि उनके प्रति प्रेम व्यक्त करने एवं उनका आशीर्वाद और मार्गदर्शन लेने का आवाहन करने हेतु किए जाते हैं.

Sunday, March 29, 2020

The Mental Scanning

Imaan mujhe roke hai jo khinche hai mujhe kufr

ka-a-ba mere pichhe hai kalisa mere aage


The metal detector can only detect the physical bomb present inside of a jacket or a bag but the thing it can't detect is the virtual bomb which slowly gets generated inside of a human skull. Yes I am talking about the prejudices human brain create about the fellow beings around them onto hearing some gossips or some whisper from mostly a third party.

People often listen to others and make an image about somebody they have been knowing from very past and onto hearing the story from some XYZ they create distances from their own friends or either indulge in a situation where nothing can bring it back to normal.

People are judgmental and pass on the judgment too quick. In the venture of conspiracy if someone says something ill about someone people believe those ill- story rather going and asking or sorting out things with the guy he has been told about so that the matter could get solved then and there itself. Instead people don't want to listen to the other side of the story and they themselves pass the judgment without knowing what was true and what was the lie they were told. Whatever the victim speaks goes against him and the listener will only make out the conclusion what he wants it to be. He will not be neutral or sensible enough to think of the situation from both ends.

I am not telling that everyone does the above mistake but yes the numbers are quite large. Some people know the truth but still believe on rumours because the way the story is told to them they have no choice left.

For out of few instances I know I will share one which might give the above theory some proof:

A boy and his friend both went to watch a movie in a theatre. The girl was not forced nor she was told to come alone. The boy never told this incident to anyone thinking of what other people might think of this as they were only good friends or to be precise they were acquaintances. But obviously the boy's roommates and few of his hostel mates knew of this. After few days the boy tried calling the girl but her phone was switched off. Anxious about this he called and asked about her from one of her friends. She answered him that the girl is really upset from him as he has told everyone in the college that they kissed together in the theatre. The boy was taken aback and was surprised to his very nerves because he knew this was not the truth and even she knew it. One of the girl's friends called the boy and gave him some serious threats as well. He was tensed and just wanted to talk to the girl but failed in all his attempts. After few days that girl called him and started abusing him badly. He was only telling her to just listen to him but the story she was convinced of was really very strong that she was not ready to even listen to him. Later on he got to know that one of his hostel mates have falsely told to one guy in the college about them that they had kissed each other. The guy told to others and the story got pass on and finally reached to that girl. Obviously for her getting tempered and angry was quite natural but she should have given him a chance to explain that she was being misguided and there is nothing he had done about the story. They could have easily asked the guys and reached the fellow who created this fus out of jealousy. But when he got to know the reality and the culprit they have already passed the college and now he just wishes he could have explained her that it was not him who did that. The girl still has blocked him and may be unaware of the actual fact.

The prejudices we create about others and the judgment we make about them is like a slow but very dangerous poison which kills us from inside. We have got brain and we should use it to make decisions and not believe on some random person's theory.

Hope this article gives some light to those who just listen to one and ignore the other. Thanks.

Also be safe and be at home because of the Covid-19 virus outbreak.