Friday, April 3, 2020

डर का भगवान

हाल ही में एक यात्रा पर मेरी मुलाकात दिलिप से हुई जिसका लालन पालन भारत में हुआ था लेकिन वह बहुत वर्षों से पश्चिम में रह रहा था। वह यहां भारत अपने किसि निजी काम से आया था। वह खुले रूप से कुछ काफी समय से मन में चल रहे सवालों से जूझ रहा था जो उसके उन विश्वासों से जुड़े थे जब वह बड़ा हो रहा था। उसने यह बताया कि उसके क्षेत्र के हिन्दू इस बात से डरते थे कि अगर उन्होने नियमित रूप से और ठीक प्रकार से अपने गाँव के देवताओं को संतुष्ट नहीं किया , तो देवता और देवियाँ परेशान हो जाएंगे और इसके कारण उनके जीवन में नकारात्मक घटनाएँ घटेंगी। इसलिए , उन्हे व्यस्त रखा जाता था उन बहुल देवताओं का तुष्टीकरण करने में , जिनकी पीढ़ियों से पूजा की जा रही थी। इस प्रकार की पूजा के पीछे जो आधार है वो डर है, विशेष तौर से अगर हम अपने अनुष्ठान संबंधी दायित्वों में चूक करेंगे , हमें दंडित होना पड़ेगा या फिर हम किसी तरह से पीड़ा पाएंगे.

मेंने दिलिप को आश्वासन दिया की हिंदूइज़्म के महान भगवान क्रोध, पीड़ा पहुंचाना, न्याय , प्रतिशोध या संकीर्णता की चेतना में नहीं रहते।वे प्रेम एवं प्रकाश के प्राणी हैं , हम पर अपना आशीर्वाद बरसाते हैं , बावजूद इसके कि हम असफल हों, कमजोर हों या हम में और कमियाँ हों। इस विश्वास की मूल भूत भावना को रखते हुए , हिंदूइज़्म एक आनंद पर आधारित धर्म है , जिसमे किसी को भगवान से कभी भी डरने की आवश्यकता नहीं है , इस बात के लिए कभी परेशान होने की आवश्यकता नहीं है कि अगर हम पूजा नहीं करेंगे तो भगवान आहत हो जाएंगे या हमें किसी तरह की सजा देंगे। पूजा उच्चतम मायनों में प्रेम का बाहर निकल कर बहना है। भगवान प्रेम हैं और कुछ और नहीं परंतु प्रेम हैं.
दिलिप नें मुझे अपने गाँव के विश्वास के बारे में और अधिक बताया। जब नकारात्मक घटनाएँ घटती हैं, जैसे कि बच्चे कि मौत , बाढ़ या अचानक बीमारी, बड़े लोग जरूरी अनुष्ठानों में हुई कमियों को ढूंढते हैं , यह मानते हुए कि देवता उनसे हुई पूजा के किसी पहलू की कमी के लिए दंडित कर रहे हैं। उसने आशा की कि भगवानों कि प्रकृति कि बेहतर समझ से ऐसे अंधविश्वासों पर काबू करने में मदद मिलेगी।

एक चिंताजनक स्थिति स्वयं के द्वारा पैदा किया गया दुर्भाग्य है और भगवान द्वारा दिया गया दंड नहीं है। जीवन स्वयं, जो द्वंद के दायरे में घट रहा है, प्राकृतिक शक्तियों के खेल का एक मैदान है , एक कक्षा है शरीर को धारण किए हुए आत्माओं की जो आनंद और दुख का , उत्साह और अवसाद , सफलता और विफलता, स्वास्थ्य और बीमारी , अच्छे और बुरे समय का अनुभव करते हैं.वे आध्यात्मिक प्राणी जो चेतना के गहरे स्तरों में रहते हैं , शरीर में रहने वाली आत्माओं को संसार की यात्रा के दौरान सहायता देनें के लिए सदेव उपलब्ध रहते हैं। पुजा अनुष्ठान उन्हें संतुष्ट करने या उनके गुस्से को शांत करने हेतु नहीं किए जाते बल्कि उनके प्रति प्रेम व्यक्त करने एवं उनका आशीर्वाद और मार्गदर्शन लेने का आवाहन करने हेतु किए जाते हैं.

Sunday, March 29, 2020

The Mental Scanning

Imaan mujhe roke hai jo khinche hai mujhe kufr

ka-a-ba mere pichhe hai kalisa mere aage


The metal detector can only detect the physical bomb present inside of a jacket or a bag but the thing it can't detect is the virtual bomb which slowly gets generated inside of a human skull. Yes I am talking about the prejudices human brain create about the fellow beings around them onto hearing some gossips or some whisper from mostly a third party.

People often listen to others and make an image about somebody they have been knowing from very past and onto hearing the story from some XYZ they create distances from their own friends or either indulge in a situation where nothing can bring it back to normal.

People are judgmental and pass on the judgment too quick. In the venture of conspiracy if someone says something ill about someone people believe those ill- story rather going and asking or sorting out things with the guy he has been told about so that the matter could get solved then and there itself. Instead people don't want to listen to the other side of the story and they themselves pass the judgment without knowing what was true and what was the lie they were told. Whatever the victim speaks goes against him and the listener will only make out the conclusion what he wants it to be. He will not be neutral or sensible enough to think of the situation from both ends.

I am not telling that everyone does the above mistake but yes the numbers are quite large. Some people know the truth but still believe on rumours because the way the story is told to them they have no choice left.

For out of few instances I know I will share one which might give the above theory some proof:

A boy and his friend both went to watch a movie in a theatre. The girl was not forced nor she was told to come alone. The boy never told this incident to anyone thinking of what other people might think of this as they were only good friends or to be precise they were acquaintances. But obviously the boy's roommates and few of his hostel mates knew of this. After few days the boy tried calling the girl but her phone was switched off. Anxious about this he called and asked about her from one of her friends. She answered him that the girl is really upset from him as he has told everyone in the college that they kissed together in the theatre. The boy was taken aback and was surprised to his very nerves because he knew this was not the truth and even she knew it. One of the girl's friends called the boy and gave him some serious threats as well. He was tensed and just wanted to talk to the girl but failed in all his attempts. After few days that girl called him and started abusing him badly. He was only telling her to just listen to him but the story she was convinced of was really very strong that she was not ready to even listen to him. Later on he got to know that one of his hostel mates have falsely told to one guy in the college about them that they had kissed each other. The guy told to others and the story got pass on and finally reached to that girl. Obviously for her getting tempered and angry was quite natural but she should have given him a chance to explain that she was being misguided and there is nothing he had done about the story. They could have easily asked the guys and reached the fellow who created this fus out of jealousy. But when he got to know the reality and the culprit they have already passed the college and now he just wishes he could have explained her that it was not him who did that. The girl still has blocked him and may be unaware of the actual fact.

The prejudices we create about others and the judgment we make about them is like a slow but very dangerous poison which kills us from inside. We have got brain and we should use it to make decisions and not believe on some random person's theory.

Hope this article gives some light to those who just listen to one and ignore the other. Thanks.

Also be safe and be at home because of the Covid-19 virus outbreak. 

Sunday, December 16, 2018

The Misuse

                    The agenda of women empowerment and equality , believe it or not, is the most heated up issue(at least in the GD of company's recruitment process....I have several experiences of offence though). It must be raised though prior to any subject as it is a proven fact that how men have had suppressed women in the society. Awareness has had been raised to a certain limit and this is observed as the women of our generation are nowhere lagging behind men of the same era. But as a monologue comes to my mind from a very famous movie that with great powers come great responsibilities , I certainly want to rectify it as great decisions come along with both pros and cons, boon and curse.
              So, here I am, Mrs. Achhi Devi, to tell you an incident , in a quibble and comic way but with great diligence and a profound message.
              As it happened last night , while returning home after a hectic day at my office, I found that there was no mini or micro cab available and being a middle class lady I didn't go for sedan/prime option . You know the protocol of the stereotype doesn't allow me to do so. As the "Chola cab Co." has also given a facility of cab sharing , so I thought ," Better if I take a share cab as it will save me some money". And mind you if you think of myself as a miser. I am not a miser , I am just kanjoos. The details of the driver was now visible on my unsmartphone. It displayed
Driver name: Mr. Seedha Ram
Contact no. : 9696969696
Vehicle info.: Nimbu colour
                       Massan BC_R model
                       NOT - 0420.
I was waiting for the cab and meanwhile was having a chit-chat with my company's gate keeper, Mr. Aalsi Kumar, who was usually very polite but can turn boorish if anybody dares to wake him up as he is very lethargic too. He can sleep for hours if he is not disturbed. When my cab arrived , I saw a girl of age not more than 25, sitting inside the cab . After telling the driver my drop location, I introduced myself to that young lady sitting beside me. "Miss Badmash Rani" as she told me her name was.
                    After few minutes when we started our journey, Miss Badmash Rani asked the driver, " Which route are you taking us through?". "This route is secluded and is not safe for us", she added looking to me. I told her," Look beti, the other route is very congested and it will take us about an hour more to reach our destination." "Also",I added,"that we are two ladies and in case something happens I am there and I will call the Police". But she didn't agree. Instead, when the driver tried to explain her, she started shouting, "Stop the car , Stop the caaaar ". Mr. Seedha Ram, out of fear, stopped the car then and there . She got out of the car and asked the driver also to come out."What do you think of yourself? You moron, you tried to get physical with me". And I thought physical, but when did that happen. Oh my God, she was creating trouble for that poor guy. Meanwhile, Mr. Seedha Ram was insisting,"What? What are you saying mam? ". He added, "Mam, Do you have any idea? I have a wife and two daughters. Can you please stop saying those things". Before I could have come out of the car and had explained that young lady , she shouted like anything and all the passer-by came closer to the driver and by hearing the lady shouting and crying they assumed that the driver was at fault . Without wasting any time they all started beating that poor guy whose only fault was to take another lane. I was trying to save the man. But as it seems , it is impossible to handle mob specially in our country and that too for cases like these. After putting lot of efforts, I somehow managed to get Mr. Seedha Ram out of that chaos. Till then Miss Badmash Rani had already informed to the police. 
                     Now, whenever there is an actual crime scene occuring, our policemen never turn up on time, but since there wasn't any ACTUAL crime happening here, they arrived too early. The Inspector got down from his jeep and his name was Mr. Samjhdar Hawaldar(Hawaldar was rhyming with Samjhdar and above all this is my story......I am allowed to do don't judge me....sorry....zyada ho gya....hehe). He asked the young girl about the whole drama( or else I could quote melodrama). After listening to the girl he arrested Mr. Seedha Ram and told Miss Badmash Rani and me to come with him to the police station as we were the witnesses. I joined them as I had to tell Mr. Samjhdar that Mr. Seedha was innocent and he had done nothing. When we arrived at police station, Mr. Samjhdar in complete animosity took Mr. Seedha inside the locker for interrogation. Well in our system a man is convicted guilty by society much before the law does it. Miss Badmash Rani told everything totally against that seedha( innocent) man and after she was done with her fictional story, she was told to sit down at a corner. Now it was my turn to describe the so called crime scene( well they call it sounds beautiful in urdu). By the time I delineated the complete scene to one of the constables, we all heard the sound of a policeman shouting inside the locker. It was Mr. Samjhdar's voice. He was yelling at Mr. Seedha Ram. Suddenly we heard the sound of his stick banging at someone and obviously it would have been Mr. Seedha Ram who was brutally treated by the Inspector and he was shouting in pain. I was not terrified that Mr. Seedha was treated that way but I was worried as he was being thrashed when he was guilt-free. After Miss Badmash heard Mr. Seedha shouting she was at relief and she told the constable that she wanted to leave as her parents would be worried. She left with a cunning smile on her face although I still wonder why was she smiling while looking at me. Anyways after she left I ran towards the locker to stop Mr. Samjhdar and to tell him the complete story. To my surprise he wasn't beating Mr. Seedha but was banging his stick against the wall and Mr. Seedha was just shouting at each stroke so that they could just baffle Miss Badmash. Well I really appreciate the work of Mr. Samjhdar as he was clever enough to know who was the culprit in reality.
                             So, the moral of the story is that......well you can find it on your own......I think you guys are smart enough....or wouldn't have read this.


Monday, June 5, 2017

Kuch khwaab adhure reh gye h

Kuch khwaab adhure se
Pure karne ko reh gye h

Nhi khabar thi ki jis ghar k  chiraag the hm
Wahan k ab bas mehmaan bn kr reh gye h
Kuch khwaab adhure se
Pure karne ko reh gye h

Jis jagah pr budh aur mahavir janame the
Wahan pr ab bs lootere reh gye h
Kuch khwaab adhure se
Pure karne ko reh gye h

Jahan hoti thi vishv ki sabse aadhunik padhai
Wahan ab bas khandhar reh gye h
Kuch khwaab adhure se
Pure karne ko reh gye h

Jis Patliputra ke sushashan k liye ashoka tha
Wahan ab dushashan failane k liye log reh gye h
Kuch khwaab adhure se
Pure karne ko reh gye h

Yahan aaj bhi jaati paati par ladte h log
Pata nhi wo gyaani kahan reh gye h
Kuch khwaab adhure se
Pure karne ko reh gye h

Maana ki kuch galti humaari bhi h
Ki achhe netaon ko chunne mein peeche hm bahut reh gye h
Kuch khwaab adhure se
Pure karne ko reh gye h

Aur Jis mitti mein bachpan khel k beetaya tha
Uss mitti me mil jaane ko ab bas mere armaan hi reh gye h......
Kuch khwaab adhure se
Pure karne ko reh gye h

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Lying dead in my bed....

Lying dead in my bed
I find no strain
and no pain...

In a far distant corner
I can hear my mother's sob
My dad in silence
And rest all mob

Everyone was crying
Everyone had tear
But I can't find the one
Who was so close and dear

To see her
I was excited
But forgot that
It was a love unrequited

Soon I woke up
And found myself dreaming
I procrastinated
And felt no feeling

Realising the fact
That she won't cry for me
I made up my mind
That not for her
But I'll die for me......

Saturday, September 24, 2016

DEMOCRACY or DEMONOCRACY: The Indian Judicial System

To change this 'demonocracy' to "democracy" we all must join hands and demand for such a democracy that is not rotting and rusting
                                   -Prof. Arindam Chaudhuri.

The judiciary in our country If  I may quote in a single word is Pathetic. Democracy with respect to judiciary is only on pen and paper. It's substantial requirements and it's implementations are contradictory to each other. Reality of our country's judiciary system is not democracy but 'demonocracy'. What is this 'demonocracy'?
Let's take a small example to understand this word. Our country is not ruled by Republican political leaders but instead its run by evasive and corrupt political leaders. This is how this 'democracy' is changed to 'demonocracy'.

I am not just juggling the balls in air. The real examples prove this. We can see almost about 40% of our parliamentarians are having a criminal record and among them about 10-20% have a very serious charge imposed on them including dacoity, murder and rape. All these are because the judiciary system existing in our country is primarily dysfunctional.

The pace with which we are provided the so called justice i.e it may take 10 to 15 or even more years of duration for a simple case to be resolved , in my own terms I can say it is not justice delayed= justice denied but is justice delayed= justice denied= criminalisation of society. The very best example of this was the execution of Ajmal Kasab, the decision which took about an era to come out.

Having said so I am not inferring that this judiciary cannot be changed from 'demonocracy' to 'democracy'. The recent decisions of the judiciary system over Nirbhaya rape case and many such incidents are worth admiring and are creditable.

This article of mine is a quibble and by this i am not inferring a wrong message about our judiciary but i am helping our society to figure out some notions to help make our judiciary better. The killing of witnesses , the slow  pace of judgement, the trial imposed on superstars and political leaders getting dusted on the judge's desk over the years, need of more trial rooms and courts for the grass root level implementation  ....all these should be taken under consideration so that our country's judiciary is improved by a large.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Engineering : Plan B for many students

It was the 2nd semester of my engineering when i came to know my classmate Shubham and his group usually named as air force group by me as all of them were from air force family. I must admit that Shubham has an exceptional talent in singing. I wondered what was he doing there in engg . Later on i found that he was a bit shy . So i assumed that he might not have told or insisted his parents about his dream .
                    After few days of the semester while we were having our lunch , Gautam , one of his friends was telling that he wanted to become an actor and he is studying engg for the sake of degree. I was taken aback . I just looked myself and thought that I also wanted to become an author but I couldn't because I didn't have that much of courage to say this to my mother . Then I surveyed, on net, google , asked my relatives ,friends and many more. To my surprise I got to know that around 80% of the engg students are studying engg only for the sake of degree or either they are forced to study engg due to various reasons .
                                   One of my teachers told me " Many of the students studying here are not fit for engg or either I could say you that engg is not suitable for them". Around 6 out of 10 students are opting engg after their +2 level . This shows the packed and orthodox thinking of people in India . To my surprise there were no such statistics in USA or London. Well as per my perception the reason could be the broad thinking of the residents their. I was surprised to see that in India most engineers die or commit suicide because they think that they are forced to swim across a pool named engineering.
                               As per my thinking parents and teachers are also faulty for this as they don't see the talent of their wards and encourage them to pursue such goals for which they are meant to be. They should find what is best suited for their child and not what they think is best for their child.
                                    The orthodoxy behavior of our society is becoming a barrier against success of the country. If the parents are thinking that everyone in the family was engg or dr and my child should also do those same stuff then they should think and survey that there are other options as well in which we have a lots of scope and their child could create wonders in those field if they are set free to achieve their goals without any pressure.